PowerShell - Launch script with batch file
An easy and elegant way to launch your PowerShell GUI tool is to use batch files. This will let you bypass PowerShell’s execution policy and save a few clicks.
Users will only need to double click on the batch file to run your tool.
Follow the steps below to create your batch file script launcher
- Fire up your favorite text editor (Notepad for me) and type in the following line
(substituting the path to your script as needed)
PowerShell.exe -sta -noprofile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File c:\temp\scripts\tools\your_script.ps1
Goto File –> Save As and enclose the batch file name in quotations with a .bat extension
Change Save as type to All Files (*) and click Save.
- Double click on the saved batch file and bask in the the glory of your tool as it instantly launch like a native windows application (almost, YMMV :))
Written on May 29, 2019